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Advices by the moon calendar for each day

Moon Calendar Advices will help you to correctly oreint to the surrounding reality every single day. It is enough to read advices, in order to find out how is the certain period of time is controlling its emotions, so that there would be present piece and calmness in our spirit. The healing recepees that are recommended for the use in the correct time are here, on this blog- depending from the moon phase and its Zodiac placement. Do not forget to consult your doctor.
In addition, you can also find out - how you can make many daily tasks easily and nicely with the use of Lunar phase. 

You can order personal horoscope of the moon, planets and zodiak constellation on the life situations, business, health, love and etc... 




On January , 30th and 31th - the growing Moon in a sign on the Taurus

Council. We recommend to communicate more - any contacts are now favorable and will bring good results. Thus it is not necessary to gossip, fuss, make obviously impracticable promises.
Health. During this zodiac period it is recommended to be protected from cold: the probability to be ill with quinsy now is greatest. The most vulnerable area these winter days - Upper respiratory tract bodies.

The interesting information.
The person and the moon.
The empress of world ocean the Moon operates not only inflows and outflows: it is noticed that in a full moon and a new moon water rises much more above, than during other time. The same concerns also the person, as it is known, on 70 % consisting of water. The moon during the Full moon is practically released from influence of the Sun, becomes more independent. At people it is shown by differences of mood and emotional fullness. The full moon can have on 14th, 15th, 16th, and even 17th, day of lunar month. The most favorable time for this purpose considers the beginning of 16th day: the period causes the kindest conditions. The full moon in 15th day (in a month with 29th days) does perception of life especially strained, and events of incomplete lunar month bring certain complexities.

On January , 27th and 29th - the growing Moon in a sign on the Aries.
Council. During this period to be good it is more in the open air; let the nature and a fresh wind feed an organism energy which now so is necessary for it.
Health. Astrological conditions of these days - harmonious. It is desirable not to overtire (especially to Aquarius, Fishes, Arieses and Tauruses). The head, sense organs, eyes and blood circulation system are subject to influence of the Aries.

Beauty in the Moon mirror.
Care of nails.
The best time for manicure and a pedicure - Friday after sunset. It is especially good, if the Moon thus in the Capricorn. Because this sign guarantees well-groomed nails and proof manicure. The Moon phase thus has no value. The nails processed in these days look beautiful and healthy.
It is not necessary to do manicure and a pedicure on Saturday, it is forbidden day for care of nails. As to Moon position, days of the Cancer, Fishes and Twins will badly affect. The nails processed in these days break and exfoliate. The varnish keeps badly.
If you are disturbed by evolved nails, cut off them not on the decreasing Moon as can seem in the beginning, and on the growing. But if the nail needs to be removed completely, it is necessary to do it on the decreasing Moon, at any time except days of Fishes.

To data.
It is black - white dreams.
White and black color in dreams is ambiguous. For people of signs on Fire and Air to dream about white color very favorably. For example, to see a white dog - a sign on a meeting with the loyal friend, and a white pigeon - to life turn to the best. For people of signs on the Earth and Water to dream about white color badly. So to see the same white dog - a sign on that the friend can appear the enemy; to see a white field - a sign on danger and hostile conditions; the white house - ahead of experience and the broken dreams.
Black color in the sleep on symbolics is opposite to the white. For people of signs on Fire and Air is a negative sign (a black dog - the friend-traitor), and black color is favorable for people of signs on the Earth and Water. For example, to see black bread - to profit.

To the mistress on a note.
Successful batch.
* to Bake bread is better in days of Twins, Scales, Aquarius, the Aries, the Lion and the Sagittarius. Under the Growing Moon dough rises faster. Under the decreasing Moon it is useful to put in dough of more yeast. For a batch of bread days of the Cancer, the Scorpion and Fishes because dough quickly falls and becomes комковатым least approach.
* If you have conceived pies or cookies is better to make it under the growing Moon in days of Light (Twins, Scales, Aquarius) and fruits (the Aries, the Lion, the Sagittarius). It is easy to such test to give the necessary form, cookies получаутся gentle and long keeps freshness.
*Oven it is necessary to warm up very strongly in advance, the temperature should go down slowly.

January 25th and 26th - Growing Moon in Pisces.

Advice. The zodiac cirle is ending. In this period we are suggesting to listen to your intuition: it is developed more and could help with  the smart advice.

Health. The predisposition to the infectious diseases, skin allergies and edemas is increasing. The surgeries on the feet, brain and endocrine system organs is not recommended. The feet and its fingers are influenced to the sign of Pisces - it seems that it its minor, but the reflectious zones of all organism is concentrated here. The foot accupressure massage and intake of the increased potassium food is useful.

Charge Yourself With The Lunar Energy!

Exercises in the Aquarius Day.

*When you are standing, move your feet up- down, the knees should be straight by this. Pull up,and alternate toes- heels (toes up, heels up and so on 7 times). Then take a break, by continuing to breath evenly. Repeat this exercise until you feel that it is enough.

* In a standing position bend forward without bending the knees. Let your head, which is located in very relaxed state,possibility of  sagging freely between the hands. Let the tips of the fingers slowly get closer to the floor, while in the back of the legs the stress does not occur. Exhale - when you return to starting position.

23rd January- New Moon. 24th January- Growing Moon in the Aquarius.

Advice. You cannot begin new tasks, until your important issues are clear. Just do your regular daily chores.

Health. It is difficult period for the health. The influence of the sun is negatively impacts on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Possible exacerbation of rheumatic complaints.

Recommendations Of The Moon Day.

Today- 29th moon day.

Beginnings: Tasks that began today, giving an opposite results.

Communications: It is better to spend this day alone, perhaps in the nature.

Money Operations: It is better to stay away from financial questions.

Travels: Today moon is not really conductive to travelers.

Feast: Today,  forget about the feasting, food abstinence is welcome.

Alcohol: The intake of alcohol is not acceptable.

Disputes and Explanations : Let's show softness, the dispute right now is irrelevant.

Physical Exercise : the moderate physical exercise is possible right now.

Home Tasks: This day is better for the home tasks.

Dreams: the dreams of this moon day is often daunting and they do not come true.

21 and 22 of January- the decreasing moon in capricorn.

Advice. You should not deny yourself in communication, but by this you need to maintain caution. The tasks that have to do with acquisition of vital goods will go successful. It is good to buy property and do repair at home.

Health. The entry of this planet in this zodiac sign for many people is provoking a short term of  emotional tonus fall down. The moon influence is increasing in support of locomotion, skin and circulatory system. It is undesirable of heavy and intensive physical exercises, hypothermia.

Nutrition Of Moon Rhythms.

Zodiac Sign- Aquarius (20 of January - 18 of February)

Aquarius is compatible to the nutrition of vegetarian style, where the soy , beans, buckwheat, regular wheat and peanuts is present. Cultured food can be eaten in unlimited amounts, but spagetties, baked food, bread and rice should be limited.  you should add vegetable oil instead of regular butter, instead of sugar- honey, instead of salt - aromatized herbs. You should avoid canned foods and supplements, identical to natural. Prefferably, take white meat and fish without any fats. In the vegetable menu- cabbage, spinnach, radish, salad, corn, zucchini, lentils, beet, carrot, sweet pepper and tomatoes. In the fruit family- berries are best suited with apples, pomegranates, strawberry, peach, pineapple, figs, and dates. Zodiac mineral- sodium chloride. It is better to receive sodium chloride from the fresh leaved vegetables and greenery.

Moon Color.

Moon in the sign of Saggitarius.

Basically the color of Saggitarius is considered red, contrast- of yellow and blue.

Saggitarius energy is spicing sensory organs and supports with the help of red color, which is blood supply of the whole organism. At this time, you should use special influence for vein, because in this area during the days of Saggitarius - the discomfort often appears, especially it is important to prevent stagnation. Massage creates miracles,  and not only in the days of Saggitarius.

It is also important to use the fact that red vegetables and fruits impact in the days of fire (Aries, Leo and Saggitarius) especially with the strong influence. However,  a surplus of  the red color is not suggestable for the worriers and active people

18-20 of January- Decreasing Moon in Saggitarius

Advice. You should not limit yourself in the new impressions, but by this you should be very careful- its not worth to risk vainly and include yourself in the deliberate gamble. If you have a possibility, we are suggesting you to go to the nature.The body needs the protein foods of plant origin very much. Beans with potatoes is recommended for dinner or lunch.

Health. Moon rhythms affect the spine, hips and wrists. In order to avoid traumas, it is necessary to take medicine and foods that contain calcium and phosphorus.

Moon and health.

Moon in Scorpio.

No zodiac signs does not have the strong influence on the genital areas, as Scorpio.

* Anything that during those days you do for your genitals, will be twice useful, as preventive and treatable procedures- but except for the surgical intervention.

* Any load on the genital and urethrical organs are twice heavier in  Scorpio days, it brings more harm than in other days.

Future mothers should avoid any overloads in the Scorpio days, especially during the growing Moon. Urethrical organs are especially sensitive. Cold feet and easy clothing in the areas of pelvis and kidney, could cause inflammation of  the kidneys and bladder.Preventive sitting baths with a shepherd's bag will help getting rid of women's diseases.

16 and 17 of January - Waning moon in Scorpio.

Advice. It is not suggestable to limit yourself in your new impressions. Inner emotions will be spawning during this period with mixed feelings. Organism needs vegitative carbohydrates. You should eat for sure two apples and three clementines.

Health. Women become very conflictive in these days and control their emotions badly; men are opposite- they are very reserved and secretive. In order to take off the psychological pressure- it is favorable to do the moderate physical exercises. Scorpio is affecting the nervous, urogenital system and rectum.At this time,it is possible of  worsening of hemorrhoids, and the most vulnerable genitals.

Choice of time for the new job reception.

Moon days: 3,5,10, 12, 13, 20, 27, 29, 30

Moon in the signs of: Leo, Saggitarius, Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Monday: 7:00 - 10:30   17:15-20:45

Tuesday: 7:00- 10:30   17:15-20:45

Wednesday: 10:30-13:45   7:00-10:30

Thursday: 10:30- 13:45

Friday: 13:45- 17:15   10:30-13:45

Satturday: 13:45- 17:15

Sunday: 17:15- 20:45   13:45- 17:15

Important: blue color shows appropriate parameters for the choice, red - inappropriate parameters.

14- 15 January- Wanning Moon in Libra

Advice. You need to try to spend more time at home, do your family chores. It is better to spend evening in the circle of family. Also, try to take food with vegetable fats.

Health.  More energetic than other signs at these days will be the signs of Scorpio and Taurus. Those who responsively react to the changing rhythms of the moon, would be able to see their influence on kidneys and on the bladder. It is suggestible to avoid any surgeries on kidneys and bladder at this time.

Moon Influence.

Virgin Days.

Energy of this sign supports everything, that is connected with planning, calculations, cold-blooded strategy development, logically reasonable goal is justifying the means. The motto of these days can serve the saying; " Seven times measure, and then cut once". The virgin sign does not have anything with the passionate impulses.

Interesting information.

Moon and Success.

When you have to submit for discussion any idea, when you need to be understood and heard, safely guide by the moon  days of stay in the signs of Libra, Virgin, and Virgo. This is the greatest days of psychological susceptibility.

12-13 January - Wanning Moon in Virgin.

Advice. It is suggestible to more communication and laughter- even if the mood is bad. Show forbearance and patience. Try to avoid conflicts and negative emotions. Try to avoid conflicts and negative emotions. Include different salty vegetables and sauerkraut in the menu, to the lunch or dinner it is better to cook cabbage meatballs, and stuffed cabbage.

Health. It is possible of exacerbation of disease urinary tract, cystitis. Gemini, Aqaurius and Pisces should take care of their nervous system at these days. However, the digestive organs, spleen and pancreas should be mercy to all.


Color and its impact.

The basic rule is saying: some colors are influencing by the difference or stronger, if to use them under the zodiac signs to whom they are compatible with. If, for example- you would like to use the influence of color as an additional remedy by the different diseases and disorders, then choose the compatible and contrastible color for your clothing, or at least, for the detail of toilet that is located on the affected area of the body. By this, it does not matter whether the clothing is on the naked body, for example, t-shirt or tank top or on top of another clothing, such as sweater. The straight influence is much stronger. However, colorful radiation, that is taken visually, is beneficially effecting in any case.

What type of influence is able to render one or another colors? On this blog you will read this information.

10 and 11 january- Decreasing moon in Leo

Advice. The events of this period are the mirror of human complekses and actions. It is necessary to control your own thoughts. This day is good for the skin cleaning.

Health. It is recommended to take care of your hair. All of the procedures for the strengthening of its roots are bringing sensing use. The energy of leo is affecting the hormones, from which the hair become stronger. Here is the experiment: from the february till august of every month, cut the ends of the hair in the days of Leo. In this period, Leo is always located in the growing Moon, but this aspect is increasing revitalizing effect.

Recommendations of lunnar day.

January 10th, today is - seventeenth lunnar day.

Beginnings: you can begin your small tasks, but it is better to put aside bigger ones.

Communication: you can feel all of the goodness of human communication.

Money operations: this day of moon is good for deciding of financial questions.

Travels: this day the moon is favoring all of the travels.

Party: this day ideally is good for any celebrations.

Alcohol: the limited amount of alcohol intake at this day is welcome.

Argues, attitude ascertation: it is not very appropriate day for argues.

Physical load: possibility of limited physical load.

Home Tasks: it is better to stay aside from home tasks at this day.

Dreams: to the dreams of this lunnar day should not be listened to.

January 8th- Growing Moon in the sign of Cancer

January 9th- Full Moon in Cancer

Advice. Period of changing transformation. All of the beginning tasks that began at this day will finish successfully. We are recommending  to communicate alot, get new knowledge, listen to the obtained advices.

Health. The night light is freeing the emotions, making people impressionable and easily excitable. Especially at this time, the moon is strongly impacting on women. Their psychology is becoming more plastic. When the moon is in Cancer, it is useful to cleanse the spine and joints.

Useful information.

Note for the fishermen.

It is noted, that during the lunar month there is two periods of good and two periods of bad nibbles. And besides, clearly of weather rules- these nibble ups  and downs have no explanation.

1,2, 12-16, 26-29th  lunar days - very unlucky time for the fishing, because practically there is no nibble.

11, 17, 23-25th lunar days- there is nibble, but very weak.

4-8, 19th lunar days- excellent nibble.

3,9-10, 20-22nd lunar days- good nibble.

And, if to look closely,  very unfortunate are the last three days before the Full Moon, bad days - almost the entire last quarter and a significant chyst the third quarter. But the good days are the days of the new moon, from the third until the tenth, a kind of fishing week, which takes place under the real sign of Jora and a few days in the third quarter.

Nutrition in Lunar Rhythms.

Taste Reactions.

Passing of the moon by the zodiac sign changes our tasting reactions.

*  When the moon passes by the signs of Aries and Scorpio, put less pepper in the food.

Those who suffers with migranes, must limit the intake of any cheeses and red wine or

just stop eating this at all.  You should be very careful with the hot and acute objects in the kitchen.

*  When the moon is located in the signs of libra and pisces, you should be extremely careful in taking aromatic fragrant spices and foods, which can cause an allergy, - these foods and spices can be honey, chocolate, lemons, strawberry and etc... At this time the sensory and reactivity of organism is increased.

* When the moon is in Capricorn you should not eat very hard food and gnaw nuts. Alcohol intake of that time will bring very small negative consequences.

5-7 January- growing moon in Gemini.

Advice. The days of strictness and cleansiness in everything. People should be very attentive in all of the duties, but should not be overloaded with them. We are suggesting to spend alot of time with the loving person.

Health. During when the moon passes by- by this sign it is very mandattory to take care of your hands and lungs. It is worth to put all of the procedures aside, which are impacting hands, arms and lungs, until when the planet would not enter in the zodiac signs of Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. It is a wonderful time for all of the cosmetic procedures, and also cleansiness of blood and liver. If there are any skin problems, it is worth to look at your allowence, since allergenic products show their strength and could show different reactions.

Weather by the Moon

* Moon with the shape of  letter "c" with the rings- it means cold, if it is on the back - it means warmth, rain or snow.

* Reddish circle around the moon, that is starting to dissappear- it means wind.

* If the moon is not visible until the fourth day after the New Moon by the southern wind, it means that the weather is unstable the whole month.

*If around the moon, the circles are appearing very near, it means that the rain is going to be the next day ( soon, but not for a long time); if the circles are appearing far away from the moon- then rain is going to come out in 1-3 days ( not soon, but not for a long time), but in the winter there is going to be blizzard.

*If the moon in the sky is adjoining with the circle - it means that there will be no rain for a very long time, but if the circles are erased it means that rain is very near.

*If the moon seems big, reddish- there will be rain, if the moon is misty- then the weather is going to get worse, if the moon is really white and sparkling- then it means that it will be very cold.

January 3rd and 4th- growing moon in Taurus.

Advice. The calm and balanced days; organism is in the relaxed condition. It is the most favorable time for taking sauna, bath and visit the cosmetologist.

Health. In this period the condition of moon in the zodiac is making more weaker organs such as throad, ears and the organ of speech. It is recommended to help an organism to fight with the infection: to do inhalation with chamomile herb, sage, linden flowers, birch, tansy and juniper.

January 3 : Today- 10th lunar day.

Recomendation of lunar day

Beginning: one from the best days for the beginning of any daily tasks.

Communication: This day is good for the communication and group work,

Financial tasks: this day of the moon is good for the desicion of financial questions.

Travels: today the moon is not really welcoming  for tourists.

Parties:  today parties will be going great.

Alcohol: the limited amount of alcohol is acceptable

Argues and and showdowns: today is really not a great day for any argues.

Physical pressure: this day is acceptable for any physical pressures.

Home tasks: this day is very good for daily duties.

Dreams: the dreams does not come true of this lunar day.

January 1 and 2- growing Moon in Aries

Advice. Do not give empty promises- it is better to be quiet and take care of your health. If depression is present -just take the herbal therapy.

Health. Those who are subjected to different headaches, could not feel well. It is probability of incoming eye diseases, tooth diseases and ear diseases. Therefore it is recommended to take different herbal infusions that widen blood vessels. The vitamin intake and the restoration of the substances are especially effective by the growing moon.