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What is happiness?

Posted by on in Pokrov

  It is to go to any resort, to go to any good caffe or restaurant and have a good lunch, to buy a good and expensive accessory- it is all pleasure, but cannot be called happiness. Then what is included in happiness and what it is? Happiness is a spiritual and energetic condition of a person, when this person is in a good mood during long period of time. The thoughts, intentions and actions are channeled only on the positive and good. It is when you love someone and this someone loves you. This is when you are helping others and you receive pleasure from this.

   During, long period of time, many people are coming over to me with their problems and grievances. My task is to help within the main form: energetic, spiritually, psychologically and work on guiding and changing the karma to a better way. Energetically- I am sending to a person a positive energy, channeling the chakras to the development of positive energy. By the good development of the positive energy with chakras, the person's Endogennic Opiates are increasing- which is the control of physical and emotional pain: Endorphins- the feeling of well-being, Dopamin- the positive feeling toward others, feeling of satisfaction, and joy. Also, the control of cardiovascular activity, Ankephalines- stress reaction, Noradrenalins or Norapiphrines-boldness, impulse to action, neurohormonal control, the readiness reaction and recollection, Serotonin- emotional stability, self-control and sleep regime, Acetylcholine- control of the muscle system and organs, memory, thinking, and concetration of the attention, Gamaaminooiled Acid (GAOA) - self-control, which improves the condition and health of the person.

   Spiritually- finding of the truthful faith in God and turning to God. Teaching  a person of openning up their extrasensory sensetivity and channeling on the energy from God. When a person is feeling their own energy and energy from God- during the channeling and Pokrov prayer, then he or she can maximally cleanse from the negative energy , channel and receive  the positive energy- and ask from God whatever is necessary for this person. In addition, he or she can program an energy on the achievement of their goals. If the person has faith in it, then he can achieve any realistic goals.

   Psychologically-person's channeling and his belief for the goal achievement, positive focusing and on the life's environmental surrounding. Also, love and joy to anything that surrounding the person: sun, sky, wind, house, relatives, friends and etc...

  Work on the change and improvement of the karma. What is karma? This is our destiny, that designated for us in life. If, we do bad things in life, doing bad to other people (sins), in our karma and in karma of our children there is trials, problems and grief. In contrast, if the person by their life is doing good to others and helping them, in his or her life and the children's life there is going a good karma.

Is it possible to change the karma into a better way? Yes, it is. You need to work on yourself, energetically, spiritually and psychologilly. Also, change your perception and thinking. Most importantly, is to do good and to help others. By this, you need to receive pleasure and joy that you are helping someone. The more you are helping others, then you must have a joy and happiness for the person that you are helping. By helping from your pure heart truthfully and being joyful about it, with this you are changing your karma and karma of your children to the better way. The more you are helping needy people, the more you are receiving from this pleasure and happiness- the more you are changing your karma. By this kind of work on your karma, you will always be happy and you will always be able to overcome your problems. Also, you will develop strength over your problems, that they will be seem very tiny compared to other problems- to the people who has them and to the people that you are helping. From these people that you are helping, the positive energy will be going to you and the more of those people you will help, the more positive energy will be coming to you.

All together: changing of your energy, receiving positive energy from others, receiving energy from God- all of this changes your karma and your children's karma.

On my example, when I help people and see that my help is working and I have helped them- this is very big happiness for me. Happiness can be any help to others. For example, when a person who has cancer - doctors say that he will be able to live not more than one month, I am starting to work with him and he lives more than one month. And I am channeling him on the positive. This person is being happy  to every moment of his life. Each lived day for him is,  like for us each year. I am being happy for him that he is happy and he is concentrated for the better. Another example, when I  meet a homeless person and asking this person to go with me  together to have a lunch in a caffe- he is more than happy to lunch and conversation with me. I am happy that he is fed and in a good mood.

I think, all of us should help needy (by this not to give others to take advantage of us) and receive joy from this. Also, to give love and understanding. Well, in this considered a basic happiness!

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