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Hostadmin » 11 - авг 22, 2016
THE LAST MONK is the journey of a young newly-married woman from the...
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Категория: Буддизм
Теги: The Last Monk, journey, Buddhism movie, Buddhism, New Delhi, Ladakh, Indian Himalayas, Indian, India, mysticism, cosmic power, mystical universe, spirituality, sexuality, Buddhist monk, cosmic truths, Indian cinema, spiritual issues, Indian film, spiritual values
THE LAST MONK is the journey of a young newly-married woman from the world of the newly-rich, 30-something IT engineers and corporate managers in New Delhi, to the vast, stark beauty of Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas. It is a journey from the superficial materialism of the new young Indian middle class to the universal mysticism of Buddhism. The otherworldly landscape becomes inseparable from the cosmic power of the physical and mystical universe as she discovers her own spirituality and a sexuality beyond the physical, led and mentored by a young khempo, or lay Buddhist monk vital, verbose, funny, and a fountain of cosmic truths. The Last Monk is part of a growing movement in Indian cinema, approaching the societal and spiritual issues raised by todays rapidly-changing India. It is also one of a growing number of Indian films made not in Hindi but in English. The Last Monk not only raises issues about contemporary India, but will have a lot of resonance and appeal to European audiences, where the search for spiritual values and the interest in Buddhism are growing rapidly
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